
Career Networking – what, when and how

Career networking is about finding opportunities to

  • interact with others
  • share information
  • and develop professional and social contacts

It’s a way to encourage you to help yourself and can be hugely advantageous in your career. In the busy lives we lead, it is vital to have a network of support to consult, gain advice from, weigh up options and receive feedback about opportunities and challenges. Picture yourself as having your very own personal board of directors and you as the organisation. There’s hardly a week goes by that we don’t consult someone in our career network for one reason or another.

career networking

When you network, you need to:

  • identify relevant people connected with the work you want to do
  • build a rapport with them and an interest in what you have to offer
  • seek their help and advice
  • listen to their feedback – and act on it
  • You need to be prepared to stand out

Include in your personal board, The Eventus Recruitment Group. We are hear for you from the moment you register your CV, all the way through your career. It’s important to include people in your network who are going to provide you with a true opinion and advice.

career networking

Why network?

Career networking is a great way to tap into unadvertised jobs. When people register their CV with The Eventus Recruitment Group, they hear about jobs first. You hear about opportunities first, which may open up possibilities you didn’t expect.

Networking demonstrates your initiative and is something our clients will recognise. You make yourself more memorable by setting yourself apart from the normal application process.

How to start networking – key questions

Who do you already know who might be connected to your career aims? You need to think about your personal contacts, those you know through your work, your study or your leisure interests. Who of these already knows you can do a good job? Make them your priority. The next step is to get in touch with them either by phone, online via social networking sites or face to face.

What do you want from your career network?

Think about what you want from your career network. As an example, The Eventus Recruitment Group can provide insights on your work and experience, provide you with a list of relevant organisations we can approach on your behalf for your next role, introductions to others, feedback on your CV and advice on how to prepare for an interview. You can read more about our career consultation here.

Career Networking – some reminders

Be realistic about where your skills and experience could take you. Contacts can still help you with advice and introductions, even if they’re not directly involved with recruitment. When meeting new contacts, keep the conversation light to begin with. Don’t dive straight into a monologue about yourself. Be confident that you have something to offer: networking can work both ways and have benefits for all parties.

Targeting key employers

Research the employers you favour most and let us here at The Eventus Recruitment Group know. We are likely to have contacts and can start the conversation. It’s useful to look at an organisation’s website to get a feel for their values, priorities and the sort of people they like to employ.

Widening the net

Can the contacts you already have introduce you to others? Join a social networking site such as Facebook or LinkedIn.

Following up

Keep your list of contacts up-to-date and add notes on discussions you’ve had with them. Find friendly reasons to keep in touch with valuable contacts, even if there’s nothing immediate they can help with. Let helpful contacts know if you have some success and be sure to thank them.

Receive a Tailored Service from The Eventus Recruitment Group

If you are looking for a new job in a legal, HR or finance profession, please contact us today and arrange a consultation. We provide a tailored, personalised service. Contact Siobhan Courtney on 07970 252772.

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