
We are all at different stages in our lives and you may want to take stock of your present situation because you feel you need to make a change. Check and analyse your progress to see exactly where you are now and what may lay ahead.

Here are some factors that have motivated others to start managing their career. Do any of them relate to you at the moment?

Top ten reasons for career repositioning

  1. Facing a crisis
  2. Reaching a career crossroads
  3. Having to make a crucial decision
  4. Recovering from a difficult period
  5. Needing longer-term changes
  6. Wanting to improve future prospects
  7. Looking to match the fortunes of others
  8. Ending a period of drift
  9. Feeling confused and unclear
  10. Wanting to take more control over areas of life

Checking your progress

Everyone can benefit from checking their career progress. If you are dissatisfied, it makes sense to stop and ask yourself why. Even if everything is going well, it is still a good idea to check that your career path is proceeding properly and that you are doing enough to maintain progress. By taking stock of your current position, you can identify what to do next. Look at where you have resources to use and where there are gaps to be filled, perhaps by training, mentoring or a change of career. Is there any aspect of your current position that you would like to change? For example, you may feel that you deserve more financial reward for your effort, a promotion or a new challenge.

Analysing progress

How did you get to this point in your career? To find out, consider your career in three ways.

  1. First, pay more attention to events and changes that have occurred.
  2. Second, study closely the experiences you have gone through so that you can analyse the causes and effects of your own behaviour and that of others.
  3. Third, evaluate the consequences of particular types of behaviour and decisions that you have taken. These three tools – attention, analysis and evaluation – can provide the information you need.


Know yourself – this is the key to managing your career successfully.

Ensure that you understand all the different aspects of your career.

Use dissatisfaction to prompt you to plan your career more actively.

Analyse the past to help you illuminate the future.

Log each change or event as it happens. Analyse how the event has taken place. Think how present behaviour could influence the future and use the analysis to direct your future endeavours.

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